M’am you just need to know you are a genius! I am taking up space and needed this reinforcement

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Happy final hours of democracy to all of you!

Now that this day has finally arrived, I should probably come clean, while I still can, re the real reasons for my longstanding interest in this platform. They are a)intellectual and b) carnal.

Speaking only for myself, a practicing Presbyterian of 30 years, I can't imagine anything sexier than the concept of an adult Jewish woman with a clever, blazing brain. For example, I'm going through a Noga Tarnopolsky phase right now that I may be unable to escape. The wild dark mane, vast eyes and smile, her expert explanations of relationships in The Region, oy vey.

I found a pic of Noga in her 20's recently, online, fully clothed, and I'm telling you, this woman is the returned Eve, as in Genesis 2-3 Eve, first-ever specifically named mammalian female biped, fashioned from a man's rib and ready to rock. As Billy Joel once sang, "She;s got a way about her."

Same goes for the equally gifted hostess of this platform. Please consider praying for me and other equally obsessed straight Protestant men today, on our Sabbath; again tomorrow, for our country's future; and every day in thanks for The Grudge Report.

Shalom, and Go Rams.

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I do not like this. Please stop.

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Yes, stop bob yates. Your carnal interests need to be taken elsewhere or better yet, not expressed at all anywhere. Creep.

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