This, from Venice Williams, poet/activist:


You are awaking to the same country you fell asleep to. The very same


Pull yourself together.

And when you see me, do not ask me “What do we do now? How do we

get though the next four years?”

Some of my Ancestors dealt with at least 400 years of this under worse


Continue to do the good work. Continue to build bridges not walls.

Continue to lead with compassion. Continue the demanding work of

liberation for all. Continue to dismantle broken systems, large and small.

Continue to set the best example for the children. Continue to be the

vessel of nourishing joy.

Continue right where you are. Right where you live into your days.

Do so in the name of The Creator who expects nothing less from each

of us.

And if you are not ”continuing” ALL of the above, in community,

partnership, collaboration? What is it you have been doing? What is it you

are waiting for?

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I edited the post. The writer had used the term "The Creator" while the person who sent this to me had gotten it from a Choctaw woman and the term had been changed to "The great spirit." Here's the original source: https://milwaukeenns.org/2024/11/06/opinion-heres-how-we-get-through-the-next-four-years/

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Yes. True.

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Thank you so, so much for this. I think my biggest terror is about the climate -- the Earth simply does not have time for this -- but one small thing I'll do is take my kids to participate in the twice-annual cleanup of our beautiful local creek. It's small, but I keep telling myself that it matters, every act of love for one another and for our communities and for our local ecosystems.

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thank you for this, thank you for all of your work!

i just dont understand the fresh out of the gates rage being directed towards those who, however flawed, gave their genuine best? where's the rage towards mitch mcconell? where's the rage towards every other "decent" republican who could have put a stop to this years ago? its already baked in i know, but it feels primary and worthy of fresh rage, at least a beat ahead of those who left it all out on the field in an attempt to keep the country safe from trump the best they knew how. i am admittedly *very* soft on biden, but i do very sincerely believe that the man stayed in as long as he did because he believed he was the safest way to beat trump.

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Thank you. Never stop writing. I just made a donation to the National Network of Abortion Funds. <3

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Thank you for this. We will need our rage. It was our rage that spurred town halls full of people angry about Trump/GOP efforts to dismantle the ACA. It was our rage that blocked Trump efforts to convert SNAP benefits to a "blue bonnet" style monthly food box, that countered public charge, that blocked expanding SNAP work requirements. But now we have to step it up locally, to demand that our community leaders serve and protect us and our neighbors in the face of intense pressure from federally-directed bigotry and censorship.

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This is the best thing I have read in the past 48 hours.

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Thank you for this. I’ve had two days of grief. I am now in the hate phase. In due time, I trust, I will move on to rage. Both grief and rage are clarifying.

I like all your suggestions of how to channel the rage when it comes roaring down the dry stream channel.

I am semi-retired. I think I’ll go back to work 3 days a week — food pantry, ACLU, library.

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Thank you, thank you. The rage is so real. So is the heartbreak. For what it's worth I've always found that action is the antidote to despair. I am seeking comfort in the tiny things - picking up trash on my block, helping my daughter with her school project, donating to people doing good work, etc etc.

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Bess, you said so much of what I've been thinking. I live in MD and I am so grateful to live in a blue state. On Facebook last night, I encouraged my friends to make sure their good elected officials stay in office, and posted a couple of donation links to members of our House of Delegates who are personal friends. We need to make sure our state and local governments are also held accountable. It's not all about the federal government, although of course so much of it is. But yes - be small and stay full of rage.

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You are truly the force I needed today. New information coming in regarding who voted for Trump in my super progressive school community has me Imo shambles right now. Thank you thank you thank you.

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This is everything. Thank you so much for always having the words, Bess. I know mine fail me right now, but I do have my rage.

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Thanks for this. I’ve been angry — not only at the calls for peace, but at the fact that I know, deep in my guts, that most of the people who are sharing condolences won’t do the bare minimum to fight for my queer family when we beg them to.

Some more small, local things I wish people would do:

1. Push your employers to offer benefits that address the huge gaps the government is about to leave. If people need to travel for health care, whether it’s abortions or HRT, the companies should pay for it. Even if no one at your company ever needs the leave, it helps, because other companies will have to offer the same to recruit employees. Even if you are positive your company will say no, asking helps normalize it.

2. Give money to local service providers, not big national orgs. The big national orgs mostly push for policy change and litigate court cases, and the reality is that the federal courts and legislature aren’t on our side. But if you give that money to a legal aid provider who represents undocumented folks, you can make sure a kid doesn’t have to represent themselves in immigration court. If you give money to an abortion fund, you can make sure someone gets health care.

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YES! So inspiring. All of this! I am with you, enough of the sadness, let's embrace our fury and use its power to fuel transformation.

Another small step: a Buy Nothing Holidays/Christmas this year, too. Grab the oligarchs who orchestrated this by their... wallets AND save the environment. A two-fer.

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Vulnerable post here, please give me grace… any other children of rich boomers on here who also get checks from their parents at the end of the year? I’m going to give as much of that money away as I can. Hoping to find a good campaign finance reform group to support.

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Thanks for the inspiration to send this to dog-ass WaPo:

"Actually, for this debacle previewed in Madison Square Garden, you'd need a spoiled, bored, defective electorate, headlined by whiny, failed, emasculated white men susceptible to the most rank demagoguery, with tendencies to blame presidents when the cost of coffee, turkey, child care and mortgages become too high.

"Fifty years in the work force and I never, ever, blamed a president for my inability to afford something. I took accountability, a second job, whatever was necessary -- advantages unavailable in other countries.

"That said, don't send us another woman, Democrats. When push comes to shove, Americans hate women. In 36 states, almost 250 years after the country's founding, they are still second-class citizens."

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Thank you, as never before!

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