I have to be honest, considering the SPAM texts I am now getting from the GOP, I suddenly don’t mind the ones from the Democrats so much. Or ones from my mom!

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In gratitude, may I saw that trying to scold me into doing "the right thing" is never going to work. Not the Dems, not my mom (who art in heaven) and not the FB posts that say that they will know who their true friends are by who cuts/pastes/passes it on...

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I've seen these appeals, not from my Mom, who's in the next world, but from Democrats. "BEG" and 'BEGGING" is big these days. "FOR GOD'S SAKE" and "IN GOD'S NAME" surfaced recently. All because my contact info was given away, bought or sold by the wrong people, who always say they won't. So grateful for the BLOCK feature!

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